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August 6, 2006 August 25, 2006

Posted by Woody in Uncategorized.

I am changing this around a little bit. Since the first month of this whole project was quiet interesting involving the cigarette withdrawals, going from sitting on my butt to actually getting some exercise etc. I am now going to complete these blogs when I have something interesting to say. I am keeping a separate private journal with my run routes etc on in it. If your a friend and would like to see the run routes let me know and I will grant you access to them. If your a psycho serial killer sorry you cant know where I am running to pick me off for your own lame ass enjoyment.

So I am kinda in this state of asking myself if I can seriously get in enough shape to complete a marathon and telling myself I can do it considering I only quit the cigarettes and started exercise four weeks ago.

The details of the run will now be left out since I am sure people do not care how much effort I feel I put into a run or the time duration, calories burned etc etc. Thus far in this training program I have been completing the “Preliminary Training” The training before the training if you will.  This is specific training for people like myself – non-runners.  well non-runners who are also non-smokers. I should have checked with a doctor first and may just get around to it prior to me completing the marathon, as to whether or not I should train for a marathon. In any event I am not going to really care what he says. I finally got to a cup of coffee a day, quit smoking and I can count the sodas I have had in the past month on one hand. As far as I am concerned, I friggen deserve to start and finish that marathon, if I have a heart attack doing so.. well… great hope there’s someone around to get my dumb ass to the hospital 😀

On to how the run went today… I decided to push it a little further. I have been getting down on myself lately in this pre-training of the training for the training, currently at the 25 mins of run followed by 5 mins of walk week of the pre-training training. (got enough pre’s and trainings in there for ya?) anyway it amounts to 2.11 miles in 25 mins. That’s pretty damn slow.  I haven’t ran in years but when I did it was like 7 min miles. and I really didnt like running… AT ALL.  so I said to myself “self, lets run three, forget time, forget pace, shut up, jog, listen, enjoy and jog all three miles.” So, http://www.g-map.peometer.com and get  myself a route. It’s really a pretty kewl site for anyone walking, jogging etc to determine your distances. So I come up with a route and it is 3.2554 miles. Just over 3 1/4 miles. Jog it. All of it.. dont walk dont stop. 15 min mile average. SSSSSSllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Wow I should be running that in half the time… Or should I .. I am 34, 175 lbs (haven’t lost a pound yet btw. The pot belly is 35 lbs of it.) I just quit smoking 33 days ago. Haven’t had any exercise beside curling the occasional 16oz beer, and packing a pack of Marlboro lights in ten years. I have till December to lose the weight, double the pace and octiplate (is that a word? it is now.. like triple.. times 3 but octipate.. times 8 .. see that I am so kewl that i can make this shit up as i go along) 😉

so… blog, babble at this point huh.  I am confused am I doing well or am I gonna fall apart and have a heart attack on this marathon come December….  

I have to complete it now.. or die trying.. I won’t hear “I knew you couldn’t do it”


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